Jul 19Liked by Jonathan Foster

Jonathan, this is brilliantly written. I was engaged in the first paragraph and loved it to the end.

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Thank you so much Diane, that's a great thing to hear :) I'm so glad your enjoying my writing and I'm so happy my thoughts are landing somewhere (thanks so much for the recommendation too :)

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Sep 3Liked by Jonathan Foster

I’m imagining all sorts of passages of time in dominoes, I loved it all.

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That's how we measure time over here. How far to the shops? Oh about 800 dominoes ;)

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Aug 15Liked by Jonathan Foster

A stunning trio. What as poem to wrap with!

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Thanks so much Brian. I appreciate your kindness (and patience) ;)

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Jul 23Liked by Jonathan Foster

This is beautiful Jonathan. I am late to this but I am glad I am here. Thank you for sharing the song of the spirits 💜

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You're always super welcome, Swarnali 🙏🏽 I'm glad you enjoyed this , thanks.

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Jul 22Liked by Jonathan Foster

I am disappointed to be so tardy with my comment Jonathan, I read this yesterday but with no repair man available to launch us back into a connected world my reply had to wait… so now as I read again your heart words, many of which have stayed with me since the first reading, sitting at the top of my hill for surety of a message being sent, I say only this; from the first paragraph I understood the love and deep caring… from these words;

“I feel that eternal wind as I see in my daughter’s face a certain glint that peers at me from my mother’s eye in a fleeting glimpse through time. The chain of generations, all cut from the same paper, holding hands and swinging in that breeze. I see my father too…”

I sit and I feel that breeze carrying eons of eyes noticing glances and sleight of hand… so known and yet so startling.

I see my gentle father in my son, his way is the same, his loping walk and laid back attitude that kills me on so many days! And in every reflection of myself I see my mother, more pronounced in every year that passes… I wonder, I hope my children see me when their time is more deeply embedded in in visions of a past rather than moments of now.

And, in your words I see a glimpse, too, of you as a father… your compassionate heart so filled with love that you feel compelled to write of it… so many wouldn’t, so many wouldn’t even see.

“But what of us this very day

dragging along our stones?

What do those ancient spirits say

To all our sun bleached bones?”

They say don’t let loose those sun bleached bones, they say guard them and hand them down…

For every profoundly exquisite sentence - thank you 🙏🏽

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It's funny how the "spirits" of our parents/grandparents come in greater and clearer flashes as we get older. I see so many subtle gestures and unconscious mimicry of various people shining through the younger generations. It's a strangely calming and reassuring experience, I think, in this world of perpetual acceleration to see the slow pulse of natural human life moving at its own pace.

Thanks so much for this wonderful comment Susie, and for your kind generosity about my writing :)

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Jul 20Liked by Jonathan Foster

I saw a snapshot of you as a dad, it was a beautiful photograph.I picture you staring and contemplating the wonders of your own child, while she sits unbeknownst drinking her tea ( of course if she had looked up she would have said in a long droll, Dad).

I imagine I would endlessly observe them the same way as you. My heart swelling with joy. I see my mom and dad when I look at my own reflection in the mirror.

The evolution of my family tree. Wait now, I just realized, I hadn’t given thought to this before,

“There’s not just one, just you,you’re a forest, not a pine.”

I came from a forest, but now I’m , well, I am switching species if you don’t mind, I am that last branch of the Maple that holds my family’s signs. Alas, no children to carry the line. I will continue to be a sturdy branch that buds lush green in the spring, turning shades of crimson red in the fall. All the while holding the family’s life force of clear sweet maple.

I climbed the tree as I read. Reached the top for the ancestral view. Swung back down to the last branch. And so I shake hands with Fate and nod hello to the family ancients behind.

Don’t worry, it was a quick fleeting thought of realization as I read your story. A moment of sadness mixed with a grand appreciation of this gorgeous piece, ending with your stunning poem. And you Jonathan, are always gracious to let me ramble on.

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Thanks for another beautiful observation, Lor. I'm so honoured you read so deeply and carefully and feel so much from these writings, I'm writing from the heart so I'm glad it all lands in the right places :) 🙏🏽

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Jul 20Liked by Jonathan Foster

Supremely thrilling and soul-quieting. You threw my mind into looping, time-warping portals, the perfect place shake certainty.

Loved this stanza too, loved the entire poem, but here’s a bit to take with me right now:

Let go your shaking certainty

Stop dragging stones toward the sun

For should and could and ought to be

Are but a tale well spun

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I liked that one too, the constant attempt to manage imagined futures is a little crazy, and so very human :)

Thanks so much for reading and commenting Kimberly 🙏🏽

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Jul 19Liked by Jonathan Foster


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Thanks Patris, I'm guessing that's a good thing ;)

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Jul 20Liked by Jonathan Foster

It is - and doesn’t happen often.

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Really brilliant, you carried that generational flame concept so well. This is an ambitious piece of writing.

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Thanks Wes. I love your comment for some reason, maybe the word ambitious, something I need more of for sure!

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Jul 19Liked by Jonathan Foster

I enjoyed your reflections of generations passing from one to the next, the glint in their eyes, and teacups and torrents shared with your daughters...thank you!

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You're so welcome Christine and thanks so much for reading and commenting. I'm so appreciative you keep popping back to check out my writing :)

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Jul 19Liked by Jonathan Foster

I am falling for these words, I am already on my way down, falling without a sound.

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(Thanks Fotini 🙏🏽)

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