
Please share with whoever you like Patris. I’d be most grateful. I’m thinking of writing a few things for the spoken rather than read word. It’s fun.

I’m so glad you liked it. I was surprised myself. Came back from a forest walk with the dog and recorded it in one go. Sometimes things sorta click :)

Thanks 🙏🏼

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There are some great moments in there, got a strong stream of consciousness flow and a lot of energy. If I had to guess, I would say that took quite a while to write.

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Well, the trite answer is it took a lifetime ;) But the reality is I got inspired with the prose and that took a day. The poem opening took longer because I struggle with the form of poetry.

I’m trying to mess with prose and write a kind of jazz version, where sometimes it flows, sometimes there’s flats and sharps, sometimes it’s rhythmic, sometimes not. I’m not even sure. And I’m trying to get more jazzy with the read too.

Onward I say. I’m looking forward to the next post now…what can I play with? How can I share emotion, experience, create mutual feeling?

Thanks Wes, seriously, thanks for your reading and being there frankly :)

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This seems to be a good environment to try out new stuff.

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Yeah, it really does (I’m guessing you mean Substack and not just life ;)

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yup. Substack has real value though, especially in the quickness of the response, very helpful sometimes, to see if you hit a mark or missed it.

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Feb 3Liked by Jonathan Foster

Your words, thoughts and emotion, synchronized ,waiting for the timbre of your own instrument . A solo standout performance.

Well done.

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That’s a great way to put it, so I’ll keep that in mind for reading, like an instrument. Thank you Lor. A pat to Ranger. :)

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Feb 3Liked by Jonathan Foster

As usual, to prepare for your audio, I poured myself a cup of tea and, as usual, settled comfortably into the soft leather couch. Touched the audio button to listen and, after the first few lines ( you had me at “winter dawn”) , I thought oh no, he’s speaking too fast! Well, never noticed there was a speed choice !

Greatly relieved ,for me and for you, I started again.

Ranger sends a ‘wag’.

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The ability to speed up the audio is the weirdest addition. Each to their own and all but WHY would anyone utilise that capacity? So glad you got me at human speed :)

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Your voice is an instrument here. Playing the words like a soloist.

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Feb 2Liked by Jonathan Foster

What a Declaration, it IS a love poem, just as it stands. With shouted words that fly up in the air then fall on us like snow, covering our open eyes.

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Your comments are like echos, bouncing my words and feelings and meaning back at me, but they’ve reverberated back through you, so they come back richer, changed, with messages I didn’t realise they contained. It is like a shouted snow storm, not so much jazz as a blustering wind of words, not so much rhythmic as a disturbance of the rhythm and meanings. Mmm, I’m going think about that.

Thank you Patris. Really fun. I will enjoy this thought process.

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Feb 2Liked by Jonathan Foster

You write with such passion here Jonathan - something that always makes words fly for me. Your meaning of course supersedes any interpretation I may express (as with the work of the other writers and poets I come here to read.)

Am saving it to listen to you read it later tonight when the house is quiet.

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Feb 2Liked by Jonathan Foster

Great stuff my friend!

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Feb 2·edited Feb 2Author

Thank you! I’m so glad you like it PO, I love your Substack, so thanks for that too :)

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The power is not just in the pen or the writer but also in the ready reader.

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I'm slowly getting more comfortable in my reading skin :)

Thanks for your kind comment Stanley.

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Aug 16Liked by Jonathan Foster

I'm really taken with your enthusiasm for my favourite subject of love Jonathan, and your journey with the world on this. I embarrass myself with my intensity of expression at times, and notice the difference in shades of expression all round.

Imagine being able to ignite the ecstatic emotions in others through words alone...

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And I've been listening/reading your gorgeous poems (swimming through the sea) and thank you, I love a writer that lands so perfectly as you do. It's such a pleasure.

I have nothing to say to you, I can't say anything but never be embarrassed, continue walking bare skinned, its brilliant.

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Aug 16·edited Aug 16Liked by Jonathan Foster

Thanks Jonathan, a pleasure to connect and have this exchange.

I've no choice in this matter now, the words keep spilling out. I will share a really interesting quote below from a recent Substack exchange, that I feel you might enjoy...

Kierkegaard said that a poet is "An unhappy man who hides deep anguish in his heart, but whose lips are so formed that when the sigh and cry pass through them, it sounds like lovely music.... And people flock around the poet and say: 'Sing again soon'". It is the task of the artists to break open, to shatter, to explode, to turn it into a song, and to invite other to sing along.

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You’re right, I did enjoy…Oh that is inspiring and freeing in some way, a nod to the joy and honesty of melancholy (such a Scandinavian tilt too). Thanks, I shall ponder on this.

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Jun 2Liked by Jonathan Foster

Since yesterday that I heard this I keep thinking what to write to you, Jonathan, but I can't find any words. I'm love-struck.

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Ha ha, my love poems really are a kick in the head, a halo of love, a Ju-jitsu move 😂 I really like this one too.

Anyway, thanks so much Fontini. I actually noticed, whilst reading your Poem #24, that our writing shares a certain vague similarity sometimes, a kind of prose/poetry with a rhythm that comes in and out throughout. So I thought you might like this one. I'm so very honored you do :) Thanks.

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And I am awed by the fact you find similarities in our writing. I can't shake off my insecurity, not yet... but I'm working on it :) Still, I'm grateful for your words!

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May 31Liked by Jonathan Foster

Oh my god, Johnathon.

So joyously written and read.

What a delight : )

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Thanks so much Peter! It’s such a boost to know these things are appreciated 🙏🏼 Glad you’ve found The Crow

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May 23Liked by Jonathan Foster

Mesmerizing rhythm and thoughts, Jonathan. What you say about modern poets adding to the stream of chaos is too true. Your spoken version is powerful. Thanks, Paul W for recommending Jonathan.

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Thanks Diane! It’s always such an honour when a new reader (listener) enjoys a piece. Regarding modern poets, I’m also making an analogy to today’s aggressive political and social landscape but addressing all that as if it were just poets. Poor poets, I hope no one think I’m blaming them 😂

Have you listened to the recording on A Lifeboat on the ocean of time? You might enjoy that too. Thanks again

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May 23Liked by Jonathan Foster

I will check it out, Jonathan. Let me say that your reading places the reader in the same mood as a good romantic film. Awesome.

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Wow, thanks Diane, that's great to hear.

Here's the link, I'd love to hear what you think :)


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This is beautiful and powerful, and I really appreciated your reading of it. It's so difficult to not fall into the anger, rage, and vitriol of this world, but the way toward a quieter, more peaceful life is through that love supreme -- from which all great poems, like this one, are born.

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Thank you Troy. And you're right, through peace and kindness and paying real attention there is a chance we can resurrect the strength to abandon these vitriolic poets dominating the world and "once more we’ll set off a hurricane of love that will spin and spin until all this devastation is put back together again."

Thanks so much for your kind words.

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Feb 20Liked by Jonathan Foster

So grateful you chose to record this, hearing it read aloud took me on such an emotional journey. This piece builds like a damn symphony. There’s so much craft here. Amazing.

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Thank you Lizzy. I’m really touched by you saying “craft”. I love the idea of craft, like carving wood or carving words has a brethren spirit. I want to be a craft merchant, dealing in small whittled journeys of words. Seriously, you’ve made my (so far, most lying grey) day. Thanks 🙏🏼

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Feb 20Liked by Jonathan Foster

“Whittled journeys of words” is completely delightful

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Feb 3Liked by Jonathan Foster

I fully respect your copyright to it. As I do everything I share. I would like their reaction to it, because of their immersion in theater, but I will not send it if you have ANY concerns or objections.

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Feb 3Liked by Jonathan Foster

Listened to you speak this a bit earlier. Didn’t react immediately knowing I likely wouldn’t be considering it as I had when I’d first read it.

I’m thinking you’ve trained for the stage at some point (even now) because, phew.

It’s a soliloquy. It should be spoken on stage.

(Sending it to a former drama teacher I know very well as well as a niece with acting experience to listen to, to read, to pass along.) (I’ve done this with other writers I follow on Substack). I hope you don’t mind.

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I put this in the wrong place earlier...si in case you missed it :)

Please share with whoever you like Patris. I’d be most grateful. I’m thinking of writing a few things for the spoken rather than read word. It’s fun.

I’m so glad you liked it. I was surprised myself. Came back from a forest walk with the dog and recorded it in one go. Sometimes things sorta click :)

Thanks 🙏🏼

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Feb 6Liked by Jonathan Foster

Jonathan, Thank you so much! What an amazing piece written - and especially spoken by you.

(What a walk that must have been, I’ve no doubt your Muse was pacing along with you two)

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Those walks are essential to clear thinking. In an ancient forest, calmed by the presence and rhythms of nature, engaging with a dog that’s in his element, it sets up the mind perfectly for writing I think.

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Feb 2Liked by Jonathan Foster





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Exactly! Boom! Live!

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