Sep 27Liked by Jonathan Foster

Really connect with all of what you have said here. The experimentation, the fear of being oblique, of packing too much in, of learning.

& &

So good to have connected via Substack. You've a real talent, Jonathan. Always look forward to reading your posts. Now the writer with the pen. I've only very recently started writing too by the way. Most people here seem to be writing all their lives. The noticings are so much of it. A huge part of it. Maybe we were writing with invisible ink?

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Well, firstly, thanks so much Síodhna, I really do appreciate your kind words.

And your actual words! There's something strange with the writing of others, how one can connect with the "voice" or the "eye", or what isn't said or I don't know, but I really loved your writing straight away. Noticings is right. The attention paid and the bravery to say what is seen. Thank goodness we both moved on from invisible ink :)

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Sep 27Liked by Jonathan Foster

That's a lovely thing to say. The voice and the eye, yes.

On invisible things, maybe that was why we started with that ink.

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Here are five words I never thought I would write: Thank God for Arsenal Football!

Also, you're definitely not an imposter. You're one of my favorite writers and minds on here. I experience genuine joy when I see a new piece from you because I know it's going to make me think more deeply and feel more intimately about a world that's slowly slipping away.

So, thank you for sharing your gift with us. Please don't ever stop. You were destined for this path. Take it as long and far and you and the dog can take it.

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That's a wonderful comment, Troy (especially the Arsenal bit ;)

I remember when I wrote an early piece, and you mentioned to someone that it helped you to choose to post something you'd been working on. I felt so proud and pleased, and you've continued to help me feel that way about my writing ever since. You've genuinely kept me going so thank you Troy.

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Sep 27Liked by Jonathan Foster

The Shimmering Delicacy Of All Things was the third or fourth essay of yours I read. There were lovers who likely felt this way but were unable to express. Your precise wordsmithing brought this profound realization. You have performed all the witnessing of the immense worlds required to fit them into the small spaces of the great writer. Pleased to follow your plan.

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I am so grateful for your support and encouragement rena. Thank you

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I cross-posted Shimmering Delicacy on an earlier version of my ‘stack but it doesn’t show up on my current one. It is a wonderful piece of writing.

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I believe I have you to thank, Paul, for pointing me in Jonathan's direction. I'm afraid I can't remember. Then Jonathan recommended another piece which hooked me :)

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Maybe. I’m sure you would have found him anyway. I still have the initial version of my Substack and it has 10 subscribers that aren’t on my current subscriber list. I’m afraid to delete it for fear it will delete everything.

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It is. So moving for me. I sobbed for a good while :)

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Sep 27Liked by Jonathan Foster

When I first stumbled upon The Crow and read a few pieces back from the piece that brought me here (although I'm sorry to say that I can't say which one this was anymore) I tried to Google you to see if I could get a book of yours to buy. I was so disappointed not to be able to find it! 😂

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That's part of my second plan ;)

Seriously Sha Kepli, 🙏🏽

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Confession: I also google in hopes of a book!

I share this not as pressure, but encouragement.

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Encouragement taken 🙏🏽

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Excellent Jonathan. That finding your "voice" thing is mostly just doing a lot of singing, which my wife Laurie does. After decades and singing hundreds of songs for endless hours in front of a lot of people her singing has stripped down to just her voice, the part that is really her. You may be a "late bloomer" like me, taking an odd, circuitous path to a destination but who's keeping score? There's nobody standing there with a stopwatch saying, "Jonathan, you are 7.4 years tardy in arriving." I believe your first book will be a compilation of your essays. Yer pal, Wes

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That's a wonderful way to look at it Wes, thanks. Love the singing analogy and the "no one keeping score" idea. Has a touch of craft about the learning through doing, and, naturally, it's smothered in Wise! I like that a lot. (I had that idea about the first book - sorta what I was hoping The Crow would help me with...watch this space ;)

Also, just want to say, I'm so glad we crossed paths here on Substack. I've loved reading your your poetry (and your carpenter essays - which I think are brilliant too) and your actual story to be a real inspiration to me. From one high functioner to another, cheers pal :)

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Hey Wes, that article was fascinating, thanks…made me feel quite, optimistic I guess. Opened doors in my mind a little. Thanks!

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Thanks, Wes, I'll give that a read

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Yeah, it did the same for me.

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Such strange words for me to read "I have imposter syndrome for a reason." from you Jonathan, and then "I’ve only been doing this “writing” thing for a short time.". Were you to have asked me what you do as a career, I would have replied, without hesitation, you are a journalist or a professor of philosophy.

Cast aside your concerns they are wholly unnecessary... you write with a depth of understanding most of us could only ever dream of possessing, me especially. Your 'oblique' manner of writing, is not only beguiling but intrigues the reader, I know too well I will read twice before even getting close to the meaning (and even then I'm out by a mile sometimes) but I love that you do this.

I remember the first post I read, actually I listened to the audio while I was walking, something I rarely do but oh how the title intrigued me 'There be Monsters' I wasn't disappointed, I remember even now the last paragraph of that essay, the last line... "There be monsters for they are us."

Anyway, keep writing - I praise from this old gal!

Strange though , that you are a football fan but perhaps that it is better left... ;-)

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Thank you Susie. I am so in awe of your beautiful craft-full writing, the way you conjure up a world for us all to wander/wonder through so skillfully. So it is high praise indeed.

And thank you also for your kind words , they do actually mean a lot to me. I have spent much time paying attention to the world and my fellow humans, and thinking about both, and I do try and write with depth and care, so I am truly grateful that you give my writing time and thought that you do and that you notice these things. It's a real pleasure to meet like-minded people and form this small Substack "community". I want to say I'm very grateful our paths crossed :)

I guess I've always been pretty swift at picking things up and getting to the gist of things, I suppose, so it's a real pleasure to be trying to navigate through all that can be said and try and say something that has some value, in my mind at least, and say it in a beautiful way. Let's see where we all go with these writings we do. But where ever that might be, the journey is super fun!

Right, now I'm off to watch the game...I know, I know, it's a crazy world ;)

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I hope they won.

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Bet you never imagined you’d say that on substack 😂 (he he thanks they did)

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Or anywhere else - I hope you’re celebrating with glass of wine - or is it a can of larger..? I can’t quite picture the latter… don’t tell me !

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He he I'll keep my footballing secrets to myself ;)

(Ever fancy a read about it you could try this - https://arsenalwonderland.substack.com/p/the-unbearable-lightness-of-being)

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21 hrs agoLiked by Jonathan Foster

Sorry I've realised I'm a bit of a wall-flower commenter on substacks, rarely making an appearance when a (well-deserved) crowd is appearing, but I'm still here and reading every one and enjoying immensely. The last one about your girls especially. Thank you!

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You’re so welcome Leon. I think we crossed paths on one of the environmental Substacks and then I read some of your amazing pieces about life in the Philippines. So inspiring. I’m really glad you’re still here 🙏🏼

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22 hrs agoLiked by Jonathan Foster

Wonderful of you to launch into what you truly want to do! I’ve enjoyed all that I’ve read (I admit to being a new subscriber).

Please keep at it, enjoying every moment!

And as Kimberly said, now that you’ve blown your cover, we are all doubly impressed!

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I’m glad you say that, Teyani, because all this blown your cover talk is making me nervous. I’m so glad you’re enjoying the pieces

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Sep 27Liked by Jonathan Foster

I loved the candid, confessional nature of the narrative here. You did something on an emotional level that I’ve not got from the Substack before. I felt invested in wanting you to succeed. Even though I am a Liverpool supporter.

Keep going Jonathan. You’re doing (writing!) good things.

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Ha ha, thanks Jon, very much appreciated indeed :)

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Sep 27Liked by Jonathan Foster

Well you’ve blown your cover. I seriously assumed you’d had a long career in journalism and writing, you’re masterful and I don’t say that lightly!

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I'm not even sure what to say, maybe there's still a long career in writing lurking out there waiting to pounce on me :) BTW, you've also been an excellent inspiration to me Kimberley, not just your kind words which have been truly a wind in the writerly sails, but your incredible strength regarding all your reasons for starting Unfixed. Thanks :)

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Sep 27Liked by Jonathan Foster

Thank you Jonathan for sending this winds right back to me! Sail on friend.

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Sep 27Liked by Jonathan Foster

Thank you for having us along for the ride - it's been a great pleasure looking out of the window with you. xx

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You dude are almost responsible for this! It's been a great pleasure looking through a million windows with you :)

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Sep 27Liked by Jonathan Foster

Can't wait! ❤️

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Early Congratulations on the first anniversary of The Crow. When I first encountered Shimmering Delicacy, I thought you had been writing forever. It had a flow and compellingness (is that a word?) that I hadn’t encountered online before. Always excellent Jonathan!

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Sep 27·edited Sep 27

You must know by now what I think of your writing. In response to your last paragraph, my reply should simple be; you’re very welcome. Alas, as you have become very familiar with, I will continue on writing something entirely too long.

Is what you are the same as who you are? What you are is most definitely an excellent writer. Who you are, is all the intricate layers that define you as a person .Every single part of you, formed into words and added to the pot. Simmered gently, and served up with a side of joy. I always leave lost in thought. I never ever leave sad or angry. All I need to decide is which words I will capture and take to heart. A very famous restauranteur, well, famous for Vermont, and also a friend said;

“You is who you is . Because if you ain’t who you is, than you is who you



I will say, I started reading about “Arsenal Wonderland”, and a gasping sound of concern escaped from my lips. That breathy kind that sounds like a whispered , huh. My husband looked up from the book he was reading, one eyebrow arched in question. I shook my hand in that, it’s nothing move. On I read, breathing a sigh of relief, ‘oh thank goodness one of my favorite writers on Substack is not going to combine football with The Crow’.

Thanks for that too.

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You, Lor, and your unrelentingly thoughtful and attention filled comments have been a wonderful source of support and inspiration. Sometimes readers (and writers) say they are glad they've found such and such a Substack, but in truth I think writers are more pleased that they've been found by certain readers, and in your case that is oh so true. I'm so glad you found The Crow. And I know I'm not the only person feeling that way :) It's a strange experience sometimes trying to write here on Substack but you make it a lot better.

I'm so very happy that you say, " I always leave lost in thought. I never ever leave sad or angry. All I need to decide is which words I will capture and take to heart." That is a massive compliment to The Crow 🙏🏽

And don't worry, I'll keep gate between The Crow and Arsenal Wonderland firmly shut. Although, funnily enough, I did used to start every AW post with a short paragraph about the dog and I to set the scene. I had to stop though, Benny got all self-important and unbearable when he thought he was the star ;)

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Sep 27Liked by Jonathan Foster

I would not mind at all if Benny decided he needs to be an opening act. And, you’re not gonna ask me about that strange and wonderful quote?

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It seemed like it explained itself, like most innately wise things, but if there’s more please tell Lor. I they know stuff, restaurateurs, very human condition job I reckon

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